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Video: UFO definitely spotted in Scotland

UFO spotters are in a lather over a YouTube video which shows two mysterious lights streaking through thick fog in Scotland. The YouTube cli...

Cloud making UFO brings Russian city to standstill, video

A cloud emitting UFO has brought an entire Russian city to a standstill, overshadowing Christmas and New Year celebrations and leaving resid...

German Court Orders the Parliament to Release UFO Report

A German citizen has won his first battle in an effort to view a UFO report created by the Scientific Service of the German Parliament (aka ...

NASA Video Captures What Looks Like an Alien Spaceship

A camera on board NASA's STEREO A satellite seems to have captured video of an unknown thing that looks like an actual spaceship. The b...

Is this an Alien Skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru

A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens. The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm...

Russian Woman Stored 'Alien Corpse' in her Fridge for 2 Years

Alien life? This strange 'body' was said to have been discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot ...

Will White House Come Clean on Extraterrestrial Visitation?

The White House has opened up a new section on their website called "We The People" which allows citizens to post a petition abou...

Mexico's Zone of Silence - UFO's and the Paranormal

The Mapimí Silent Zone (La Zona Del Silencio) is a popular name for a desert patch near the Bolson de Mapimi in Mexico. The area is located ...

Have Swedish Booze Hunters Found UFO on Ocean Floor?

An ocean exploration team led by Swedish researcher Peter Lindberg has found what some are suggesting is a crashed flying saucer. Lindberg&#...

Scientists Say Alien Encounters "Within Twenty Years"

Russian astronomers hope to find extraterrestrial civilizations in 20 years, Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied ...

UFO sighting over California

I must admit I have honestly seen some odd lights in the sky, north of Los Angeles, in the high desert. Especially while working on film &qu...